3 Ingredients Lock Down Chocolate Cake

A glass of milk and bag of cookies that is what you will need to make the delicious chochocolate cake . I really fun to share my version with you guys. It's moist and chocolaty and it will be amazed how easy it is to make. You will need some crisp cookies of your choice.  I was using two different kinds it's what I had. So use what you have.  I will say this though more chocolaty and more flavourful your cookies are obviously the more flavourful your cake will be. HoHowever, if you are using very basic cookies like I was I will give you some times as we ggo along. TTo make your cake more flavourful you are going to process these Cookies until really fine. Now the reason the recipe works is because if you take a moment to think about it. cookies contain all the basic ingredients you would need to make a cacake so flour, cocoa powder, sugar.  Considering the cookies the dry ingredients.  I was so shocked how soft the cake is. It's incredible that you can make a cake with just a bag of cookies and glass of milk. 


  • 350 gr chocolate cookies ( 3 cups, measure the cookies once crushed into a fine powder)
  • 370 gr milk (1 1/2 cup
  • 2 1/4 baking powder 


  1. Add the process cookies to a large bowl along with some baking powder. We really need that leavening agent to give rise and lift to this cake. Otherwise it is just going to be dense and flat as a cookie. 
  2. Governing these ingredients a rough mix and you are going to add the warm milk. I found that using warm milk instead of cold milk really hydrathydrates this mixture properly.
  3. To can see in this batter we will have some small lumps here and there what you can do is take a hand blender and blend the batter. This is optional I have tried to make the both ways with the hand blender and without and long as you have processed  the cookies really fine in the beginning. The cacake comes out just fine in both ways.
  4. Now pour the cake batter into a greased pan lined with parchment paper. Make sure you greased the parchment paper as well.
  5. Now bake the cake in a preheated oven at 170 degrees of Celsius or 340 Fahrenheit for around 15 minutes. 
  7. Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 3 minutes. 
  8. Turn it over and take it out. 
  9. Now this is optional but really recommend. If you are using basic cookies like I was for the cake sponge. 
  10. Now we are going to frost the cake. I'm using nutella. It's easy it's delicious and it really gives you that chocolate cake kick.
  11. This amazing cake is really soft and moist. 
  12. Now you can enjoy this cake with your family.

*Please Read*:
The flavour of your cake will depend on what cookies you choose to use! For more chocolate flavor you can add :

  • Nutella 
  • Chocolate chips
  • Additional cocoa powder

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Cheers and happy eating!!!!!


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