Scrumbled Panner


  • Panner coarsely grated - 2 cups 
  • Vegetable oil - 1 ttbsp
  • Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp 
  • Onions coarsely cut - 1 cup 
  • Green chili thinly sliced - 1
  • Red chilli pieces / chili paste - to taste 
  • Crushed ginger - 1 tsp 
  • Crushed garlic - 1 tsp 
  • Turmeric Powder - 1 pinch
  • Tomato cut in small pieces - 1 
  • Curry leaves - finely chopped 
  • Salt - to taste 


1. Heat oil in pan add oil and add mustard seeds to it. 

2. Fry the cut onions, green chilies, garlic and ginger under medium heat.

3. Once brown, add the cut tomatoes and continue frying for a minute. 

4. Add the paneer, curry leaves and salt with red chilli pieces to taste

5. Toss with noodles or serve with bread. 

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                    Cheers and happy eating!!!!
