INGREDIENTS                        SERVES 8

Self - raising Flour ..................230g
Butter ........................................ 60g
Raisins ........................................50g
Baking powder......................... 11/2 tsp
Milk ..............................................150ml
Caster Sugar................................... 50g
Egg .....................................................1
Pinch of salt
Strawberry jam for filling


  1. Sift flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt in a bowl and mix around gently with a spatula. 
  2. Rub in butter until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs and make a well in the centre of the bowl. 
  3. Whisk egg and milk in a separate bowl and pour   2/3 of this into middle of the crumb mixture. 
  4. Mix using a cutting motion with a spatula, once combined, if dough is not soft enough, add remaining egg mixture, a little at a time, until dough is soft but not sticky. 
  5. Place mixture on a lightly floured surface and gently knead until dough is soft and firm. 
  6. Roll mixture to a 3 cm thickness and cut out scones with a scone cutter. 
  7. Once the scones have cooled, cut in half and a small amount of jam, sandwich the two halves together and serve with icing sugar dusted on top. 

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Cheers and happy eating!!!!!


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