Homemade condensed milk or milkmaid

 Traditional condensed milk or milkmaid can take hours to make with endless stirring, which can be very tiring. This quick and clean handy recipe for home made condensed milk or milkmaid with milk will do the trick in just 45 minutes. With the method you could make sweetened or unsweetened condensed milk since your in control of the sugar.


  • Full fat Fresh milk
  • Sugar- 200g
  • Baking soda -pinch


  1. Take the milk in a thick bottom pan and start to heating it.
  2. Let the milk comes to boil.
  3. Once the molk comes to boil add sugar while stirring it constantly. 
  4. As you stir the moisture of the milk start to evaporate and milk starts to thicken. 
  5. Once the milk is semi thick add baking soda to it.
  6. Cook until the milk reaches the desired consistency of milkmaid. 
  7. At this point turn off the stove and let the milk to cool down completely. 

YOUR homemade condensed milk or milkmaid is ready now. You can use this condensed milk in lot of sweet recipes. Also you may store the condensed milk in an air tight jar and maintain it in refrigerator for 25 to 30 days.

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Cheers and happy eating!!!!!!!


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