INGREDIENTS              Serves 8

Coca powder ..........................25g
Boiling hot water................... 120ml
All - purpose flour ...................90g
Baking powder ........................1tsp
Pinch of salt
Butter ........................................60g
Egg............................................... 2
Vanilla ........................................1tsp 
Granulated White Sugar ............100g


  1. Preheat oven to 190 degree Celsius. Line 8 muffin cups with paper liners.
  2. In a bowl stir until smooth the boiling water and cocoa powder. Let it cool. 
  3. In another bowl, whisk together the flour and baking powder, and set aside.
  4. Beat butter and sugar until light and dluffy using a hand mixer or whisk.
  5. Add egg, beat until I smooth while scraping down the sides of the bowl. Beat in the vanilla.
  6. Add the flour mixture and beat until incorporated, add cooled cocoa mixture and stir until smooth. 
  7. Fill each muffin cup about two- third full of batter and bake for about 20 minutes or until risen, springy to the touch. Remove from oven, place on a wire rack to cool and frost with icing.

ICING : Place all icing ingredients together in a bowl                   and beat until the mixture becomes smooth.                     Pipe on top.

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