Easy Chocolate Mousse

In this post we are going to make Easy chocolate Mousse at home. Chocolate Mousse is a soft prepared sweet or savoury dish. It normally has a smooth, light and airy texture and that is created by whipping the cream or egg whites which incorporates lots of air bubbles and make the mousse light. But depending on the way of making the texture of the mousse can vary from light and airy to thick and creamy.  In this post, I have shared the recipe for slightly thick and creamy chocolate mousse.  This simple and special easy chocolate Mousse need only 2 ingredients.

Friends please do try this homemade easy Chocolate Mousse recipe at home and this chocolate treat will taste absolutely amazing. Also please do share your feedback about the recipe in the comment below. 


👉  Semi sweet dark chocolate - 200g
👉  whipping cream - 100ml (room temperature)
👉 whipping cream  - 300ml


  • Chopped the chocalate cut into small pieces. 

  • Transfer into a heat resistant bowl. And also add 100ml of (room temperature) whipping cream amd mix.
(Do not use cold cream here. Use room temperature cream otherwise the glass bowl may break.)

  • To double boil the chocalate and whipping cream. Keep a saucepan in flame and add little amount of water.
  • After the water boils
  • Keep this chocolate mix whipping cream mixture top of the saucepan. 
  • Mix them together. 
  • Take it off when the chocalate is completely meltes. 
  • Let it cool for 5 to 10 minutes. 

  • In a separate bowl add chilled whipping cream and whip until soft peaks form.

  • Add the cooled chocolate in portions.

  • Keep whisking. 

  • Keep whisking until firm peaks form.

  • Fill the piping bag with the mousse.
(This step is optional just to make it look fancy.)

  • Pipe to a dessert glass or small bowl and you can serve it now or chill in the fridge for 2 to 3 hours before serving.

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Cheers and happy eating!!!!
