Caramel Bread Popcorn


  1. Bread slices - 2 pieces 
  2. Water - 4 tbsp 
  3. Sugar - 1/4 cup 
  4. Milk -  4 tbsp 
  5. Butter - 1 tbsp 


  • Cut the bread into small cube pieces. (1/2 inch)

  • Then keep a pan in medium flame and toast the bread pieces until brown colour. 

  • In a pan add sugar and water then mix. 
(Do not use a spoon to mix just shake the handle of the pan to mix.)

  • WWait until the sugar syrup bubble up.

  • When the sugar syrup bubble up add butter.

  • After it turns to caramel colour add milk and now use a spoon to mix. 

  • When the sugar syrup turns into sauce consistency add toasted bread and mix.

  • After mix with the caramel sauce transfer to a plate.
  • After transfer to the plate separate each pieces from other pieces.
(If you kept every piece together it will stick)

  • After it comes to room temperature serve.

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                    Cheers and Happy Eating!!!

