Homemade Milk Chocolate


  1. Coconut oil - 1/2 cup 
  2. Icing sugar - 1/2 cup 
  3. Powdered milk - 1/4 cup 
  4. Cocoa powder - 1/2 cup 


  • Keep a saucepan with little water to simmer on medium flame. 
  • And keep a bowl over it.

  • Now add coconut oil or cocoa butter, 
  • Now place a sieve over the bowl and add icing sugar, powdered milk, cocoa powder and through the sieve into the coconut oil. 

  • Mix everything together. 

  • Then transfer the chocalate sauce to a jar.

  • Then pour the chocalate sauce to a silicone mould. 

  • Refrigerate the chocolates until set well.

  • Finally remove the chocolate from the mould and enjoy the homemade chocolates. 

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                    Cheers and Happy Eating!!!

