Bua Loi

Buo loi | Thailand Dessert | Thai Sweet | Bua Loy | Thailand Street Food


  1. Rice flour - 1/3 ×3
  2. Boiled pumpkin - 7 small pieces 
  3. Boiled sweet potatoes - 3 small pieces 
  4. Beetroot juice - 3 tsp 
  5. Fresh coconut milk - 250ml
  6. Pandan leaves - 2 pcs
  7. Sugar - 1/2 cup 


  • Boil the pumpkin and sweet potatoes and set aside. 
  • Then take beetroot juice in a small piece of beetroot. Set aside. 

  • In a large bowl add boiled pumpkin and smash well.
  • Then add rice flour into the mashed pumpkin mixture. 

  • Then kix well without adding water into dough. 

  • Repeat the same step to the sweet potatoes. 
  • Also add beetroot juice and rice flour and make a dough.

  • These are 3 prepared dough. 

  • Then roll the dough to small balls. 

  • Keep a saucepan in medium flame then add fresh coconut milk and Pandan leaves .
  • Then close with a lid and let it to simmer. (2 minutes approximately)

  • Then open the lid and add sugar and mix until sugar dissolves completely. 

  • Now add our rainbow dumpling to the coconut milk. 

  • Close with a lid and cook for 2 minutes or until our dumpling cooked well.
  • Cook in low heat. 
  • Now our Bua loi is ready to serve.

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Cheers and Happy Eating!!!
