Mango Popsicale

Mango Popsicle / only 2 ingredients ice cream popsicle / mango ice cream


  1. Mango - 1.5 cup 
  2. Heavy whipping cream - 1/2 cup
  3. Sugar - 1/2 cup


  • Cut the mango to cubes.

  • In a blender jar add mango, whipping cream and sugar.

  • Then blend well to a thick puree.

  • Then take popsicle mould pour the blended mixture to the mould.

  • Then freeze for overnight. 

  • To remove from the mould take a cup of warm water then dip the popsicle mould and hold for few seconds. 

  • Remove the mango popsicle from the mould.

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Cheers and Happy Eating!!!

