here are numerous fruits on the market that give us untold health benefits. But recent studies suggest that blueberries have reached superstar status in that arena.

  Blueberries possess powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which go a long way in helping stem the adverse effects of many illnesses and diseases. They are also high in vitamins A, B-complex, C and E, Zinc, sodium, and potassium.

  Among their many benefits, blueberries may help lower blood pressure, prevent coronary heart disease, help preserve vision, help promote urinary tract health and help reduce belly fat.
  Because blueberries are rich in antioxidants like Anthocyanin, they can boost a person’s immune system. A strong immune system combats colds, fever and viral infections. Blueberries are also an excellent source of manganese, which plays on important role bone development.

  Blueberry consumption has also been linked to anti-diabetic effects. In a 2010 study published in the Journal Of Nutrition, doctor April Stull and William Cefalu of the Pennington Biomedical Research Centre at Louisiana State University found that regular consumption of blueberries helps people with a risk of type 2 diabetes reduce that risk.

  These little pellets of health power are not new to native cuisines. As one of the few fruits native to North to America, blueberries have been enjoyed by American Indian for centuries. Blueberries are also popular around the world in cuisines from Asia to the Mediterranean.

  Another interesting thing about blueberries is that they retain all of their potent antioxidant qualities when frozen. Freezing doesn’t seem to diminish their health benefits. One caveat, however: individuals with existing kidney or gallbladder problems may want to avoid eating blueberries. So, if you have health issues consult with your physician before getting on a blueberry enriched diet. As is common in looking at the health benefits of certain foods, more research need to be done, but many in the medical and nutritional communities feel optimistic that blueberries are indeed one of nature’s wonder drugs.


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