INGREDIENTS              SERVES 8 

cake Recipe:

Butter................................ 150g
Egg....................................... 1
Flour ...................................150g
Baking powder ...................1 1/2 tsp
Coconut Milk Powder........... 50g
Pineapple Essence ...............50g
Brown Sugar .......................200g    

Cake Base:

Grated jaggery ...........................200g
Red cherries............................... 10
Grated Orange Rind ..................1tbsp
1/2 inch thick, cored Pineapple Rings to cover base


  1. Line a 8 inch baking tray with a grease paper and apply butter on the bottom and sprinkle jaggery and arrange the pineapple rings in attractive way with cherries.
  2. In a mixing machine, cream butter and sugar to a cream stage on low speed, add egg and beat well.
  3. Flour, coconut milk powder and baking powder sieved well and fold with above mixture by adding pineapple essence and grated orange rings carefully.
  4. Pour batter over the arranged pineapple base and bake at 175 degree Celsius for 55 minutes.
  5. Allow to cool and remove from mould on to a serving dish. (Good to eat at room temperature )

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Cheers and happy eating!!!!!!
