Easy Mango Mousse

In this post we are going to make Easy Mango Mousse at home. If you love mangoes then this esay, delicious and quick to make mango mousse recipe is for you and you will only need 3 ingredients to make this mango mousse recipe. Mango Mousse is a perfect after meal dessert, also good asa snack. This creamy and delicious mango mousse desserts are light and airy in texture and excessively sweet. Try to use well ripened mangoes for the results. 

Friend please do try this homemade Easy Mango Mousse at home. This homemade Mango Mousse will taste absolutely amazing and the kids in your home will definitely love this different Mango Mousse. Also please do share your feedback about the recipe in the comment below.  


  • Well ripened Mango - 2
  • Condensed milk or milkmaid - 1/3 cup 
  • Whipping cream -  400ml (cold)

Instructions To Make Easy Manogo Mousse 

1. Take well ripened mangoes and wash. Then just put rough cuts, then scoop the mangoe pieces then transfer to a blender jar.

2. Blend until completely smooth texture. 

3. Transfer the mango puree to a another bowl. 

4. In a bowl add whipping cream and beat until medium peaks.

5. Then add milkmaid or condensed milk to the whipped cream and beat again. 

6. Beat the whipping cream and condensed milk until well mixed.

7. Save some cream to use later for decoration. 

8. Now add the mango puree in portions. And mix mix gently using a spatula. 

9. Add all the mangoe puree little by little and mix with spatula. Do not use a beater to mix.

10. Take a dessert cup or glass and add the mango mousse to that.

11. Serve them immediately or chill in the fridge for 2-3 hours before serving. 

12. To decorate the mango mousse, take a spoon of whipped cream that we saved before decorate as a top layer.

13. Add some mango bies (pieces ) too. Or you don't need these decorations. You can eat Plain that is also taste well too.

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Cheers and Happy Eating!!!
