Hot Chocolate

In this post we are going to make Hot Chocolate with easy steps at home. This homemade Hot Chocolate recipe is super easy and super yummy and a perfect treat for chocolate lovers. It is a great drink to relax you on any day but it is a speciality for a cold winter day. This creamy hot chocolate drink is made with very few ingredients like milk, dark chocolate and cocoa powder. I will definitely recommend it to anyone who loves chocolate. So do try this Hot Chocolate at home. 

Friend please do try this homemade Hot Chocolate at home and this chocolate delight will be great. Also please do share your feedback about the recipe in the comment below. 


  • Milk - 250ml
  • Cocoa powder -1 tbsp 
  • Sugar - 2 tsp 
  • Corn starch - 1 1/2 tsp + 2-3 tsp water (mix this 2 ingredients together)
  • Dark chocolate - 1/4 cup 
  • Instant coffee - 1/4 tsp 


1. Add milk to a pan you can also use full fat milk also.

2. Then add instant coffee powder. This is going enhance the taste of chocolate. 

3. Then add cocoa powder and keep the the flame on medium. 

4. Once it becomes hoy add sugar again whisk and boil for 2 to 3 minutes.  

5. To the hot chocolate add corn starch.starch . amd cook for 1 to 2 minutes. (Give it a mix)

6. Now you would noticed that the mixture would slightly thickens.

7. Now add the dark chocolate, whisk until the chocalate melts and dissolve completely. 

(I am not using chocolate compound. I am using chocolate because it will give this Hot Chocolate very nice and rich taste.)

Now our tasty and creamy Hot chocolate is ready to serve.

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Cheers and happy eating!!!
