Milk Burfi

In this post we are going to make delicious special diwali sweets and this is the first sweet on diwali sweet series. Milk Burfi one of the very popular sweet. It's a very delicious and rich dessert sweet. This sweet has a grainy texture and can be made with only three main ingredients, which are milk, sugar and lemon juice. Although it take a little bit of your time and patience but the result is outstanding. In this post I have tried to show you the basic and easiest way of making this delicious Milk Burfi, kalakand, mishti recipe or milk halwa at home. 

Friend please do try this homemade  special diwali sweets at home and this Burfi taste absolutely great. Also please do share your feedback about the recipe in the comment below. 


  • Milk - 2 ml (full fat milk)
  • Ghee - 1 tbsp
  • Cardamom powder - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 2/3 cup 
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp 
  • Pistachios - to garnish 
  • Saffron - to garnish


1. Keep non sticky heavy bottom saucepan on medium flame , pour the milk to the saucepan and start to boil.

2. Stir in between and the milk should elaborate 1/3 of  2 milli litters. 

3. Consistently stir the milk with a spoon or spatula. 
(The milk's consistency should be very thick.)

4. At this stage add lemon juice and keep in stirring. 

5. After few seconds you can visibly see some scrumble texture in the milk. 

6. Turn the flame to medium low heat and add sugar and mix well. 

7. After sugar is caramelised and dissolved add cardamom powder, ghee and mix again.  

8. At this stage turn off the stove.

9. Grease glass box or any other plate with butter or oil or ghee. 

10. Add the Burfi mixture to the greased box or pan and shape.

11. Close the box with a lid and let that to come room temperature.

12. Loose the edges using a knife.

13. Keep a plate on the box and turn up side down and just tap 3 - 4 times.

14. Now cut the Burfi into pieces. 
(After each cut dip the knife into hot water. Wipe it and cut.)

15. Garnish the milk burifi with saffron and Pistachios.  

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Cheers and happy eating!!!!

