Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake

Almost 90% of the people around us are extremely found of chocolates.  when it comes to Chocolate there is no age limit it is loved a like by kids and adults.  when that chocolate coats anything it becomes edible for most of us. My young brother for example just hates fruits bananas, strawberries but my mother coats that in chocolate and trust me he eat that just because of chocolate coating.  Another Universal favourite is peanut butter that yummy, saltish spread that can be smooth or textured when combined with chocolate from a mind-blowing combination. This is one of the easiest no bake peanut butter Chocolate cake recipe. It can be made in summer or winter but as winters are  almost upon us, let me tell you that this one holds up you a bit longer and stays better in this season. It is a simple dessert that satisfies all your family members or friends and it is perfect in your pocket as well.


  1. Digestive biscuits - 10 pieces 
  2. Melted butter - 4 tbsp 
  3. Heavy cream - 1/2 cup  (chilled)
  4. Cream cheese - 2 cups (softened)
  5. Powderedsugar - 1/2 cup 
  6. Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp 
  7. Vanilla essence - 1 tsp 
  8. Creamy peanut butter - 1/2 cup 
  9. Semi sweet dark chocolate - 80g
  10. Heavy cream -1/2 cup 


  • In a food processor add digestive biscuits and process into crumbs the add butter and mix one more time. 

  • Take 7 inch spring form pan then add this crumble mixture shape and refrigerate for 15 minutes. 

  • In a large bowl add heavy cream and lightly beat the cream for 2-3 minutes then set aside. 

  • In another large bowl add cream cheese beat until smooth. 

  • Then add powdered sugar, cocoa powder and vanilla essence to cream cheese mix until there are no lumps.

  • The cream cheese mixture looks like this 

  • Then add peanut butter mix until well combined. 

  • Now add beaten cream and fold in the beaten cream cheese mixture. 
(Do not use a electric beater or whisk to mix this)

  • Take out the pan from the fridge and this cream and shape evenly then refrigerate for 1 hour. 

  • Add chopped dark chocolate to a small bowl. 

  • Keep a saucepan in flame add heavy cream and heat the cream until it comes to a simmer.
  • The pour this Hot cream to chocolate then let stand for 3-4 minutes. 
  • The Mix until smooth. 

  • Pour this smooth chocolate to the cheesecake.
  • Then shake a little to spread evenly. 

  • Refrigerate this peanut butter Chocolate Cheesecake for 4 to 6 hours. 

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                    Cheers and Happy Eating!!!

