Potato Salad Recipe

Simple and Yummy Potato Salad | Potato salad recie

potato salad is mainly considered as a side dish. Because it usually accompanies different main dishes. But one can have it for their lunch or dinner as it fills you up totally, especially if you add some veggies to your salad. Potato Salad is prepared using boiled potatoes and a variety of other ingredients. The good thing is you can make a bunch ahead of time and refrigerate them in some airtight container and take it to the school or work for your tiffin. You can store them in the refrigerator for upto 1 week. They are also perfect picnic food as well. 


  1. Potatoes - 1/2 Kg washed
  2. Olive oil - 2 tbsp 
  3. Salt - 1/4 tsp 
  4. Black pepper powder - 1/4 tsp 
  5. Chaat masala - 1/4 tsp  (optional)
  6. Mustard paste - 1 tsp
  7. Chopped coriander leaves - 2 tbsp 
  8. Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp 
  9. Deep fried onions (Birista) - 2 tbsp 


  • In a saucepan add water.
  • Bring the water to a rolling boil .
  • Then add potatoes and boil for 15 minutes. 

  • Let it cool for 5 minutes and peel the skin off. 
  • (Peel the skin off is completely optional)

  • Then cut them into halves. 

  • In a bowl add these potatoes, olive oil, salt and black pepper powder.

  • Also add mustard paste and chopped coriander.

  • Now give everything a good mix. 
  • The salad is ready, but to make it tastier 👇

  • Add Mayonnaise.

  • Then mix well. 

  • Finally add deep fried onions  (Birista) 
  • Fried onions gives the salad a wonderful taste and flavour. 

  • Now our tasty Potato salad is ready to serve. 

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Cheers and Happy Eating!!!

