Honey comb Recipe

Honeycomb Hokey Pockey | kotkoti Recipe |  Honeycomb Recipe | Honey Cookies


  1. Sugar - 1/2 cup
  2. Honey - 4 tbsp 
  3. Baking soda - 1.5 tsp


  • Keep a heavy bottom pan in low heat. 
  • Then add sugar and honey mix until sugar dissolves. 

  • Mix with wooden spoon or a whisk.

  • After 4-5 minutes turn the flame to medium heat.

  • Keep the sugar mixture in medium heat for 3 minutes.

  • Mix occasionally. 
  • When sugar turns caramel colour add baking soda and mix with a whisk well.

  • Meanwhile spread a parchment paper on your table top. 

  • Transfer the sugar mixture to the parchment paper.

  • Leave it to come room temperature.
  • After its cool and remove from the parchment paper. 

  • Then break into pieces and enjoy. 

  • You can see tiny tiny hole inside the cookie that's why is called as Honeycomb. 

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Cheers and Happy Eating!!!

