Homemade Ginger and Garlic Paste


  1. Ginger -2 cups
  2. Garlic - 2 cups
  3. Salt - 2 tsp 
  4. Oil - 2 tbsp 


  • Remove the skin of the Ginger & Garlic.
  • Then cut the ginger into small pieces.

  • Then add ginger & Garlic to a blender jar.

  • Also add oil and salt.

  • Then pulse the blender for 2,3 times then add little amount of water. 
  • Now blend until smooth. 

  • Then transfer to a washed and dried jar bottle or air tight box.
  • Keep in the refrigerator then take out when ginger and garlic paste necessary.
  • You can keep this ginger and garlic paste upto 3-4 weeks.

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Cheers and Happy Eating!!!

