Sesame Chicken

Seasame chicken one of the best chicken recipe. lots of people from us taste this recipe in restaurants with high price. But we can make this in our homes with simple steps in low coats. Friends please do try this seaseme chicken  recipe at home and share it with your family and friends. Also please do share your feedback about the recipe in the comment below. 


To Marinate 

  • Chicken - 500 g 
  • Garlic - 6 chopped 
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Pepper - 1 tsp 
  • Soy sauce - 3 tsp
  •  Corn flour - 1 tbsp 
  • Chilli - 1 chopped 
  • Egg - 1

To sauce

  • Tomato sauce - 3 tbsp 
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp 
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp 
  • Honey - 2 tbsp 
  • Brown sugar - 2 tbsp 

Other ingredients 

  • Oil
  • Corn flour - 4 tbsp  (mixed with water)
  • Water 
  • Spring onions 
  • Chopped red chillies 
  • Roasted Seasame seeds


  1. First marinate the chicken with garlic, salt, pepper, soy sauce, corn flour, egg and chillies for 1 hour. 
  2. After 1 hour fry the marinated chicken. 
  3. Take a bowl and add the ingredients that wanted to make sauce : add tomato sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, honey and brown sugar.
  4. Mix well the sauce mixture. 
  5. Keep a pan or wok in medium flame and pour the prepared sauce with little water.
  6. Let that to boil for 2 minutes. 
  7. Take corn flour and add little water mix that we'll. 
  8. Add the corn flour mixture to the sauce and constantly mix using a spatula or spoon. 
  9. After its thickened add some more water and mix well. 
  10. After it's thickened add the fried chicken and cook for 2 minutes. 
  11. For garnishing add chopped spring onions and chopped red chillies and mix everything together. 
  12. Finally add our impimportant ingredient roasted Seasame seeds . 
  13. Add 2 tbsp of Seasame seeds and toss well.
  14. Keep the pan in low flame for 1 minute. 
  15. Now take the pan out of the flame .
  16. Now our aromatic tasty seasame chicken is ready to serve. 

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Cheers and happy eating!!!!!!
