Potato Pan Pizza

Potato Pan Pizza |Potato Crust Pizza | Homemade Pizza Recipe

Potato crust pizza is as they as your regular pizza and easy ti make. The crispy potato base takes your pizza experience to another level, the combination of potato and your favourite pizza topping are going to be fabulous. Of course, you can choose any topping of your choice and switch up the spices keeping the main recipe intact. Here I made the pizza in a pan but you can certainly naked it in an oven if you want. 


  1. Potatoes - 3 medium size 
  2. Salt - 1/4 tsp 
  3. Black pepper - 1/4 tsp 
  4. Chaat masala - 1/2 tsp 
  5. Cumin powder - 1/2 tsp 
  6. Ginger & Garlic paste - 1/2 tsp 
  7. Mozzarella Cheese - 4 tbsp 
  8. Egg - 2 medium size 
  9. Oil - 1.5 tbsp 

  1. Green capsicum - 1.5 tbsp 
  2. Red capsicum - 1.5 tbsp 
  3. Red onion - 1 tbsp 
  4. Mozzarella Cheese - 1/2 cup 
  5. Oregano - 1 tsp 
  6. Basil leaves - few


  • Grade the potatoes.

  • And wash throughly.
  • Then squeeze the water out properly.

  • Then add salt, pepper, chchaat masala, cumin powder, ginger and garlic paste, mozzarella cheese and egg. 
  • Then mix well.

  • Keep a 28cm pan on medium low heat.
  • Then add oil.
  • Add the mixture to the pan and spread evenly. 

  • Cover and cook for 10 minutes. 
  • Then flip carefully and cook for 5 minutes without lid.

  • Flip again carefully.

  • Now add the topping. 
  • Add green capsicum, red capsicum, red onions.
  • You can add any topping of your choice.
  • Also add mozzarella cheese and Oregano then cover for 10 minutes. 
  • Close the vent hole if there is any.

  • Yes!!! The pizza is ready.
  • Lastly garnish with basil leaves.

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                    Cheers and Happy Eating!!!

